NCSC International: Bulgaria - Weighing Judicial Caseload

In December 2014, NCSC experts traveled to Bulgaria to work with the Caseload Analysis and Evaluation Committee of the Supreme Judicial Council. NCSC experts, Dr. Matthew Kleiman and Dr. Brian Ostrom, conducted an assessment of judicial case weights to enable the development and implementation of a case weighting system for the judiciary.

During the visit, NCSC experts worked closely with the Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives (BILI), members of the Supreme Judicial Council, and judges from eight different courts to obtain a detailed understanding of existing case management systems in each court, the process of random case assignment, and judicial perceptions about the current development efforts and the intended uses of the case weighting system.

NCSC support for the development of a case weighting system will help ensure that the judiciary makes the best use of resources, while ensuring a fair balancing of resources throughout the country.  Drawing on an effective case weighting model increases the likelihood that judges will be assigned effectively, thereby improving the timeliness of justice services and boosting public trust and confidence in the judiciary.  The visit culminated with the signing of an MOU that established a strategic partnership between NCSCS and SJC, aimed at continued support of the implementation of the case weighting system.


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