Joint Statement from Ambassadors in Bulgaria: The Need of Reform is Clear*


Soon Bulgaria's Parliamentarians will vote on important amendments to the Constitution to start the process of reforming Bulgaria’s judicial sector. These reforms have wide-reaching and important consequences.

As representatives of Bulgaria’s EU partners we think all Parliamentarians, regardless of political affiliation, should seize this moment of opportunity to agree meaningful reforms. We believe these reforms are vital in order to ensure a real rule of law in Bulgaria and hence to tackle corruption and organised crime. They are also necessary to create the right environment for increased investment in Bulgaria including from the countries that we represent.

The need for reform is clear. This has been demonstrated through the CVM reports of the European Commission, the conclusions of the Venice Commission, in the consensus built around the vote on the Judicial Reform Strategy and in our conversations with practitioners and the public.

At this vital moment we strongly hope Bulgaria will embrace meaningful reforms.

This statement is signed by the EU Ambassadors or Chargé d’affaires of: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

This statement is supported by the Ambassadors of Australia, Norway, South Africa and the United States of America.