Transparent Judicial Appointments Initiative Nominated for “Human of the year’12” Prize

"The project of Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives Foundation aims to promote the principles of objectivity and transparency in the election procedures of magistrates for key positions in the judiciary. The TJAI goals are implemented via innovative methodology for civil monitoring and data mining for the judicial appointments. The project covered the election of new Supreme Judicial Council by inciting the public debate and fostered more transparency in relation who and how is actually elected." These are motives of the nomination made by Ms Maria Radeva.

The “Human of the Year” Award is an initiative of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. The award for outstanding contribution to human rights was presented for the first time on 10 December 2008. The award is given out to an individual/group of individuals or an organisation by a professional jury on the basis of objective criteria. The award is not financial, its goal rather being to honour and give more publicity to the award winner.

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